Bayshore Marathon is a flat, out and back course that runs along the shores of Grand Traverse Bay. Throughout the race, you have the crystal blue waters of Lake Michigan on one side and Traverse City’s famous cherry trees and orchards on the other. The course begins on the campus of Northwestern Michigan College. On your return trip you return to the Start Line, and then step onto a track for the final 200 meters inside the stadium. The Half Marathon course starts near the turn around point of the Marathon course and follows the same route as the marathon back to the finish line. The 10K course is just like the marathon course except that it turns around at 3 miles instead of 13 miles.

The finish line will close at 1:15PM. Anyone finishing after this time (6 hours for the Marathon) may not receive an official finish time. Center Road reopens at 1:00 PM. Center Road is at roughly mile 18.5 to 21 on the Marathon return.

Please see below for available parking spaces near the high school and college, as well as race-day transportation information and non-participant suggested route map.


A Top Boston Qualifying Race

The Bayshore Marathon (MI15020SH) is one of the top Boston Marathon qualifying races according to the Boston Athletic Association. Bayshore is known for its flat, fast, and scenic course. The average high temperature is 69 degrees and average low is 45. For more information about qualifying for the Boston Marathon, please visit the BAA Qualifying Page.


Marathon Course Video

Experience the entire TCTC Bayshore Marathon course in less than 7 minutes! The Bayshore Marathon starts on the grounds of Northwestern Michigan College, then winds through one mile of residential neighborhoods. The majority of the race will follow the waterfront along the East Arm of Grand Traverse Bay including Birchwood Drive, East Shore Road, Center Road (M-37) and Bluff Road.

*Please note that this video is slightly different than the official 2025 course because of the Bluff Road Erosion.


Course Map*

*2025 Course reflects change for Bluff Erosion (Full Marathon Only)


Non-Participant Map*

Peninsula Drive will be open on race day.

*Devils Dive Road will be open around 9am.


Elevation Profiles


Full Marathon


Half Marathon

Half Marathon - After the the first hill at the beginning, enjoy a flat & fast course



Finish Area - Race Day

Start for 10K and Full Marathon - Saturday Morning Packet Pickup is at the awards tent next to the bag drop.


Half Marathon Start Area


Aid Stations


Aid stations are located at roughly the following mile markers: 1.5, 2.5, 4, 5, 7.1, 8.3, 10.1, 11.6,12.8, 13.3,14.5,16,17.8,19, 21.1, 22.1, 23.7, and 24.7.  All aid stations will have water and Gatorade Endurance. Aid stations at mile 7.1, 10.1, 12.8, 13.3,16, 19 and 22.1 will have Gu.

Half Marathon:

Aid stations are located at roughly the following mile markers: 1.8, 3.3, 5.1, 6.2, 8.4, 9.4, 10.9, and 11.9.  All aid stations will have water and Gatorade Endurance. Aid stations at mile 3.3, 6.2, and 9.4 will have Gu.


Aid stations are located at roughly the following mile markers: 1, 2, 4, and 5.1.  All aid stations will have water and Gatorade Endurance. There are no GU stations for the 10k event.


The first 75' at each aid station will offer Water, the second zone of approximately 100' will offer Gatorade Endurance, the final zone of approximately 75' will again offer Water.



Traverse City is a small town so we don’t make any claims to being a Chicago or Boston in terms of crowds. You can expect great support at key points along the course, and from residents offering their own water, music, etc.

Friends and family CANNOT ride or run along with you. We need to limit all possible traffic on the course and ask you to provide your friends and family with the spectator maps available at registration. With Center Road being closed, spectators should refer to the map above to determine where they will have access to the course. Course marshals are given the authority to disqualify you if they determine if you are associated with a bike, unregistered runner, or car on the course.

All of the Bayshore races will finish on the Traverse City Central High School track. Only registered runners will be allowed inside the fence around the track. All family members and spectators must meet runners outside of the fence. There will be limited handicapped parking for vehicles with the appropriate hang tag or license plate available off of Milliken Dr. Volunteers will assist you. We do have a handicapped accessible bus available up to Gray Rd. Please let Bayshore know ahead of time if possible if this service is needed.

Please visit the bus page for the spectator bus shuttle schedule.

Even 2018 Boston Marathon winner Desi Linden supports Bayshore runners!

Even 2018 Boston Marathon winner Desi Linden supports Bayshore runners!

Recommended Parking Spots, Shuttles, and Drop Offs


Parking - Northwestern Michigan College (No Exit 7:15am - 1:30pm)

There are 6 lots of available parking at NMC (Cherry, Chestnut, Dogwood, Elm, Maple, and Juniper). Participants parking in these spots will not be allowed to exit the lot from 7:15am - 1:30pm. These lots are only accessible by the same road as the official course. These lots are recommended for Full Marathon participants that are looking to return to car in the afternoon. Please enter on E. Front St off of Munson Ave, then take the South East entrance on College Drive.


Parking - Local Neighborhoods

Neighborhood parking north and south of the Bayshore Finish Area is allowed. Please do not block driveways or mailbox access. Stay off grass curbs and please be respectful. These spots are very limited and recommend getting parked early.


Parking - Traverse City Central High School / Eastern Elementary School

Parking is available at the North parking lot of Traverse City Central High School and Eastern Elementary School. Both of these parking lots are accessible from Eastern Avenue and fill up extremely fast! Half Marathon Shuttle Buses will be loading in the high school parking lot. Please do not park along the curb that could block access to the bus route.

Parking is not allowed at the Campus Plaza (1209 E Front St, Traverse City, MI 49686). Many restaurants will be open on race day in this area.


Bata Park n’ Ride

There are three parking lots (Meijer, Woodland Creek, and NMC Hagerty Center) on the Bata Bayline route that allow you to park all day and ride the shuttle to the high school for free! The shuttle on race day begins at 4:45am. Shuttles will also make return trips all day. Please visit the Bus Page for more information and locations.


Dropping off participants Saturday morning

The high school area traffic on race morning is VERY slow and congested. If you are dropping off a runner, we suggest doing so by the Civic Center away from the the high school. The total walk is about 0.6 miles to the bag drop at Traverse City Central High School.

Exit at the NE corner of the Civic Center and cross at the Fair St/East Front street light.

Parking is not allowed at the Civic Center on Saturday morning.

Please cross the street at the Fair St/E. Front St light