Half Marathon (Sold Out!)
The Half Marathon will start on Devils Dive Rd to Seven Hills Rd, then continue east to Center Rd. It will then go south to Blue Water Rd, then east to Bluff Rd, where it will join the Marathon course following Bluff Rd, Center Rd, and East Shore Dr back to Traverse City and the finish line on the Traverse City Central High School track. The start involves an approximately 225 foot climb in the first half mile of the race before dropping back down to the relatively flat remainder of the course at Bluff Rd. The Half Marathon course was certified in 2015: the certification number is MI15019SH.
2025 Info
Half Marathon starts at 7:30am on May 24th, 2025.
Participants will take a shuttle bus to the start line on Devil’s Dive Road from Traverse City Central High School. Please visit the bus page for the schedule and details. Participants are not allowed to be dropped off near the start area, or drive out to the start area, unless they have a pre-purchased parking pass.
There will be a limited amount of parking passes available for purchase for the start line parking lot for those who do not want to ride the bus. See below for more information on parking passes.
All Half Marathon runners will receive a bib.
All Half Marathon runners will receive a short sleeve gender-specific tech shirt.
All Half Marathon runners will receive a finisher’s medal.
2025 Bayshore Half Marathon Pricing Schedule:
$114 • December 1st, 2024 - Jan. 31st, 2025
$124 • February 1st - February 28th, 2025
$134 • March 1 - April 30, 2025
$144 • May 1 - May 24, 2025
There will be no race day registration for any of the Bayshore races.
Age Group Awards
• Age group awards will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in all age groups (14 & Under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65.69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 & Up).
• There will be a limit of 3300 runners in the 2025 Half Marathon.
• Prize Money is available for the following using Gun Time and will be mailed after the results are finalized :
Half Marathon Overall Winners
1st Overall Male & Female - $750*
2nd Overall Male & Female - $375
3rd Overall Male & Female - E-Gift card from Playmakers**
*Additional $375 for course record (M-1:04:27 W-1:15:08)
Half Marathon Masters Winners (40 & Up)
1st Masters Male & Female - $350
2nd Masters Male & Female - $175
3rd Overall Male & Female - E-Gift card from Playmakers**
Half Marathon Non-Binary Winners
1st Non-Binary - $350
2nd Non-Binary - $175
3rd Non-Binary - E-Gift card from Playmakers**
**Gift Items and Gift Cards will be mailed within 7-10 business days.
For more information please visit our FAQ Page, Course Info Page, bus page and Packet Pickup Page.
2025 Shirt
Shirts are a gender-specific Brooks Podium short-sleeve shirt.
2025 Half Marathon Finisher’s Medal
Pace Groups
The Bayshore Pace Team is here to help you to the finish line. Whether you’re aiming for a time goal or just enjoy running with a fun group, our experienced pacers will provide even pacing and encouragement along the course.
Joining in with a pace group is free and simple. On race morning you will find your pacer in the starting corral lined up by finish times. They will be wearing a bright colored Pacer shirt and carrying a sign with their specific finish time. Feel free to introduce yourself, our pacers love making a personal connection with runners, it’s truly why we pace.
Optional Half Marathon Start Area Parking Passes
Half Marathon Start Area Parking Passes will go on sale at Noon on April 1st, 2025 on our registration page for $30. Due to the limited parking at the half marathon start area, we have a limited number of parking passes available.
Parking passes are only required if you wish to drive to the half marathon start area on race day morning. Free parking will be available at the Traverse City Central High School area for those that wish to take the bus to the start. Participants are not allowed to be dropped off near the start line unless they have a parking pass.
Details for the Half Marathon parking passes:
1) You will receive an email after you register for your parking pass from RunSignUp. The email will contain an attached .pdf file. Print the attachment THIS IS YOUR PARKING PASS. You must bring your pass with you on race day, and it will be collected at the start area parking. Do not print the confirmation email.
2) All vehicles must access Devil's Dive Road from Peninsula Drive. You will not be able to reach the start area parking from Center Rd. If you are unfamiliar with the area, please check our course map here. The address is roughly: 2725 Devils Dive Rd, Traverse City, MI 49686.
3) The person purchasing the pass and whose name appears on the pass must be present in the vehicle and show identification. You are welcome to have as many runners with you as will fit in your vehicle safely and legally.
4) Vehicles must arrive at the start area before 6:45am on race day.
5) Dropping off runners and leaving the start area immediately will not be allowed. Once a vehicle is in the parking area it will not be able to leave until after the race starts.
6) We would encourage you to arrive early to avoid being stuck in traffic back-ups and to give yourself time to warm up properly before the race.
7) There will be return shuttle buses provided to take runners back to the parking area at Devil’s Dive Road. The buses will run on a revolving route from TC Central High School beginning at 9:30am and ending at 1pm. Please wait for these buses at the SE corner of the TC Central High School student parking lot near the corner of the school. There will be a tall sign with Devil’s Dive printed on it to mark the location for meeting the buses. There are other buses going different places so make sure you catch the correct bus for your return trip to Devil’s Dive, which takes about a half hour. Volunteers will be on hand to assist you.
All vehicles must be removed on race day. Vehicles left over-night will be subject to a parking ticket.
Course Map
Additional maps can be found on the course info page.