Presenting the Munson Healthcare Bayshore Kids Marathon

1:30 PM on May 24th, 2025

Munson Healthcare, presenting sponsor of the TCTC Bayshore since 2019, is the title partner helping to support the Munson Healthcare Bayshore Kids Marathon, a 1.2 mile Fun Run for kids held on race day of the exciting Bayshore Events at 1:30pm! We recommend coming at about 1:00pm to allow time for parking, etc.

  • All registrants for the kids’ event will receive a colorful medal commemorating their 2025 accomplishment.

  • All registrants will receive an event T-shirt!

  • The event is for boys and girls in grades K-5, and includes an official mileage log to track progress in completing 26.2 miles by the event day on May 24th @ 1:30pm (when we all finish the last 1.2 miles together at the same finish line as all the other Bayshore Events!)

  • The cost for this kid’s-only event is $10. The registration link at will be open through event day. (Parents do not have to register separately and can assist their child if needed.)

  • Parking at the high school and surrounding area should be easier as most of the early race traffic will be gone. Parking in the college will still be difficult as the marathon course will not be closed until 1:15pm.

  • We will meet at the Playmakers Tent just outside the track area on race day. The address is roughly: 1400 Eastern Ave. Traverse City, MI 49686

  • You can check in at packet pickup on Friday OR from 12:00pm-1:30pm by the High School track on race day.

  • We highly recommend lining up by age, with the older kids at the front.


The Munson Healthcare Bayshore Kids Marathon encourages kids to be active and includes the option to log 25 miles of running, walking, or hiking this spring, leading up to the completion of a 26.2 mile marathon (25 miles plus 1.2 miles = Marathon). A fun, downloadable mileage log helps motivate them to complete 25 miles on their own throughout the spring leading up to Bayshore. (Mileage logs help, but don’t have to be turned in to participate). Kids will complete the final 1.2 of their full 26.2 marathon on May 27th when they run, walk, or jog the last section of their own 1.2-mile course. We encourage the kids to run the course on their own on the event day but understand if parents would like to run along for the little ones.

Note: This event is proudly presented by the Traverse City Track Club and its partners and is especially promoted to all elementary schools in Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska and Leelanau. Your school may be supporting this program with activities to help the student prepare for the event. If not, please let us know if we can assist in providing your school with more information by contacting us.

Start of the 2022 Munson Healthcare Bayshore Kids Marathon


Munson Healthcare Kid’s Marathon Course


2024 Event Shirt

2025 Coming Soon


Kids Finisher’s Medal